On February 2nd, 17 Blake students competed in the Science Olympiad competition at Inver Hills College. According to Ryan Stocking ‘14, “There are lots of different events [at Science Olympiad]. They typically break down into two different types of events. You have the build events which require pre-work on a built device. And then you have more study related events. There are many varieties from biology to chemistry to physics”.
At the meet, the Blake teams did well. On the JV level, Blake Green came in first in Circuit Lab, first in Designer Genes, first in Write-It-Do-It and second in Chemistry Lab. On the varsity level, Blake Blue came in fourth in Chemistry lab, third in water quality, second in forestry and first in Write-It-Do-It. Overall, JV scored 6th out of 7 teams and Varsity scored 9th out of 12 teams.
In the words of coach Eric Nystrom, “Individually we did quite well– we always seem to have stand out performances. We ended up not making it to state, which was a disappointment, but I thought the individual efforts were quite good.” Though the team did not advance to state this year, they are looking for motivated members to join in the years to come.