Class of 2014 plays Assassin game

Assassins is a game of focus and courage, and that’s why the senior class is playing this year. They embody these ideals and together, they work like a well-oiled machine. Everyone is playing for different reasons, but in the end it comes down to four types of players. Number one, the psychos. This game might be all fun and games for some, but for others it means war. Tom Mahoney ‘14 said it best when he stated, “Games like these really get my primal instincts going. I don’t even sleep anymore, all I can think of is getting my next kill.” Mahoney and others like him are using this game as a means of expressing their darkest, most harbored feelings. Although this may seem to be unhealthy and a little bit disturbing, Mahoney is still normal self, with thoughts of assassins deep in his mind.
Number two, the wimps. Not many kids go to extremes like Mahoney, in fact some are annoyed or even scared by this game. As Peter Engel ‘14 put it, “I don’t want any of these freakin’ kids coming to my house and gunnin’ me down.” Engel doesn’t feel safe in his own home, especially with people like Ben Hinke ‘16 and Walter Schemel ‘16 out to get him. Engel might not be the most courageous guy anyways, but this game has almost pushed him over the breaking point. People like him are one step away from curling up in bed and watching Mean Girls until graduation with a Nerf gun under their pillow.

Number three, the nostalgias. Some students are playing this game because they view it as a farewell tour. After the month of May, many of these seniors will never see each other again as they all go around the country to either attend college or just get in touch with their true selves. As Rob Dworsky ‘14 tearfully admitted, “I’m never going to see these kids again, and to be honest this makes me sad. I may never see James Ring ‘14’s puppy dog eyes again and this is probably the last time I will ever be on the mound with Tyler Jackson ‘16 inspiring me from the dugout.”
Number four, the time wasters. These kids have already gotten into college so now all they have to do is pass the time until fall rolls around. They’re playing to fill their time with something other than watching Netflix with a bucket of double fudge ice cream or midnight Chick-Fil-A runs. John Veil ‘14 sums it up when he pointed it out, “Beach season is almost upon us and I can afford to put on weight now. So in order to stay occupied while getting the same amount of exercise that I would on JV lacrosse, I decided to play Assassins. Because lets be honest, there is nothing more important than looking good at the beach.” Some may say Veil is being overly cautious, but numerous other seniors agreed that one never can be too careful in terms of maintaining a “beach bod.” All in all, no matter what category your favorite senior falls under, they are participating in an activity that is bringing the community together and strengthening the Blake Class of 2014.