- The Halloween Costume Contest is scheduled to happen this year with a prize of candy.
- The Animal Awareness Club was proposed. The club’s purpose is to address global and local issues involving animals. Activities sponsored by the club include bake sales for endangered animals, trips to animal shelters, research projects for endangered animals and more. The club was approved, and will continue meeting.
- $70-$124 was proposed to uphold the domain and URL for Forum’s website for two years. The idea of using the Blake’s website domain is proposed, but Blake’s website can’t fulfill the functions Forum would like their website to have. A canvas page was proposed but it was decided that a website would be a better choice. The motion to approve the money for a new website was put off till next week.
- The club DECA doesn’t have a faculty advisory, and is looking for one for the school year. Being the faculty advisor for DECA requires a large out of school commitment making it a hard position to fulfill.
- Forum breaks into committee meetings.
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