Blood Drive: The blood drive was a success and met the goal of receiving 31 donations.If the student body keeps donating by april Forum will be eligible to receive $500 for reaching the requirements for blood donations. The $500 would significantly increase the current funds Forum has: $0.
Taher: The disposable utensil subcommittee has reached out to Taher, Blake’s food program, to talk about improvements to lunch, but hasn’t got a response. Some improvements that were talked about was tearing down the small dining room to make the lunch room binger. The lunch room was built in 1987 for a school body of 400 people but now has to seat 500. Other ideas were having bigger cups for water, milk cartons, student surveys for food requests, larger portions of food, and more stations to get water. Instead of the school providing larger portions of food, it was suggested to inform the student body on the appropriate portions. A subcommittee was formed to tackle some of the issues with Blake’s lunchroom and they hope to reach out to Taher and Anne Stavney to share some of their ideas.