Science Olympiad teams compete at state
Coach Eric Nystrom and Cole Woerner ’18 with their trophy for placing first in the small schools division, rescinded days later.
The school’s Science Olympiad team recently finished their season after completing three competitions.
They competed at their regional meet at Minnetonka High School where they placed 4th, sending them to state.
To prepare, the team split up into partners to study for specific categories, for example Lauren Sabes ‘18 competed in Disease Detectives and Write-it Do-it.
“Write-it Do-it is where one partner sees a constructed object and writes how to rebuild it. The other partner just gets their instructions and extra materials to attempt to build it,” Sabes explains.
Sonal Sinha ‘19 says, “[My partner and I] make a Google doc to compile all of our notes. . . and meet a couple times throughout the week.”
At tournaments, depending on the events they’re doing, competitors take tests and build various objects to test their knowledge.
For example, Emmet Whitely ‘18 does Hovercrafts and Towers. He says that for build events they “build something that accomplishes a certain task.” He continues, “For Towers, you build a tower that is judged by the mass held of the tower over the mass of the tower.”
Around 20 kids medaled at the Minnetonka competition which sent them to the state tournament on March 4 at Bethel University.
The team was named first in the small school division, however the title was taken away days later after the judges forgot to include SPA. The team now sits in second place.
They placed 14th place in the state with many top-ten finishes in individual events.
This was the final competition for the three seniors on the team: Sarabeth Brandt ‘17, Allison Ahern ‘17, and Julien Ueda ‘17.

Hi, I’m Sarina! I have been writing for The Spectrum since my freshman year but am now InDepth Editor and Creative Director! I’m a New Yorker and...