There are many benefits of being an early bird, especially for students. Many of these benefits stem from the high supply of homework. Wyatt Dayhoff’ 22 comments “ Let’s say you didn’t have enough time to finish every part of your homework the night before, well then you get to school early enough and you can finish your homework at school.” Dayhoff believes that high demand for homework results in an increased need of sleep. He continues “ More homework means you will be staying up later which means you want to sleep longer.” Habon Samatar’ 22 agrees “If I am tired or didn’t finish my homework I could always do it in the morning. And it’s really nice being early to school, you just have more time to do stuff and you don’t always have to be rushing.”
Samatar believes that the time she gains by getting to school early reduces her stress because she has time to finish task she didn’t complete the night before. She comments “And it’s really nice being early to school, you just have more time to do stuff and you don’t always have to be rushing.” Dayhoff and Samatar both like talking to their friends, getting breakfast, and having time to finish homework before the busy school day starts.
This is a nice way to start a school day, but the result of the loss of sleep can be unhealthy. This is one of the main reasons high schoolers aren’t early birds. Dayhoff still thinks that the benefits outweigh the doubts. He explains “Although you might get a bit less sleep you have more time to do things in the morning.” Being an early bird is great for those who like to have extra time to socialize or get work done, but not for those who need lots of sleep.