Students Engage in Upcoming Election, Campaigns
Age doesn’t hinder political involvement
The 2019 caucus that Blake student will attend is in Iowa. Pictured above is the Capital building in Iowa.
Regardless of how students get involved in the election, they see importance in being knowledgeable about politics. Rosa Gerdts ‘20 states, “The outcome of politics to- day truly does affect our future…It is also our responsibility to be active global citizens.” With the 2020 election nearing, campaign season is under- way. While most upper school students will still not be able to vote in the next election, that doesn’t stop many students from volunteering and getting involved in the political process.
One of the most common ways to get involved is student election judging, wherein students greet, register, and assist voters at the polling place. Gerdts explains why she chose to be an election judge in saying, “I personally have always loved the idea of election day. I remember my parents bringing me with them to the polls when I was younger, and truly showcasing what a special opportunity it is to vote.”In addition to the benefits drawn from being a greater part of the political process, student election judging helps with community bonding. Gerdts says, “I don’t live in a neighborhood where it’s super common to get to know your neighbors, so be- ing able to interact with people in my community through something as special as voting has been amazing.”
Another way that students get involved in the political process, albeit more indirectly, is through going on the Iowa caucus trip, led by Social Studies teacher David Graham ‘85.This trip gives students the opportunity to witness the political process up close. Graham finds “visiting an ‘early state’ allows us to see a range of candidates with vary- ing views and learn what they are like.” It also allows students to directly take part in the election process.Graham explained, “On the trip students will volunteer for one of the Presidential campaigns. Students will be able to decide which campaigns they will support. Usually, this work includes door knocking and phone calling. Students will also attend campaign events.”