1. Acquire a portable hammock
I highly recommend Eagles Nest Outfitters (ENO) brand or a knockoff from Amazon. The straps are sold separately (do not forget to buy those!)
2. Find two trees ideally 10-12 feet apart with a 12 inch diameter (closer is better for beginners, not too close though)
Your backyard is a good place to look first! Parks and lakes are also great places with good hammocking trees.
3. Wrap straps around each tree (make sure you are not ripping off the bark of the tree)
Wrap the straps around 5-6 feet above the ground (for reference if you’re on the shorter side it should be a couple inches above your head and will feel a little difficult to hang up)
If the tree trunk is too big to wrap your arms around to grab the straps, place straps around the tree on ground and slowly shimmy it up the trunk.
4. Attach your hammock to the straps
Your hammock should come with carabiners on both ends and those will clip to your straps. Start in the middle of the loops on your straps and adjust accordingly. Test and adjust if needed. If you have trouble getting into your hammock, adjust the straps to lower loops so your hammock will be closer to the ground
Practice makes perfect!
Some fun activities to do while mocking include, reading, listening to music, or just hanging out and talking with your friends.