Freshman year, a time of general curriculum classes, being scared of everyone, and overall distress. The one thing that became my shining beacon of hope in my sad world of being 14 years old was Red Bull. On random Thursday mornings, I would convince my mom to let me get one from the grocery store. I would spring out of bed, just excited to drink my 16oz can. The drink was also my staple for my morning shifts every weekend as a bagger at Lunds and Byerly’s. I’m not sure if I could have gotten through those terrible shifts if it werenít for that energy drink.
Now Red Bull is definitely an acquired taste, you love it or you hate it. This divisiveness comes from the fact that Red Bull has a very unique flavor that you don’t find anywhere else. It is very hard to describe but I would say it is kind of like a sour melted penny but good. After a long discussion with my sister, she actually came up with a description that I think is pretty accurate. She said, “It’s the opposite of La Croix. Not water with a hint of flavor but a sweet and sour flavor someone concocted into a sippable beverage.”
Another classic drink that I like is Monster. It has many flavor options and has a much more normal flavor than Red Bull. More people tend to like this drink. My favorite flavors are white, red, and mango, but there are many other flavors and the cans are cute too. Aside from energy drinks, most mornings I actually do opt for coffee instead since it is much cheaper to brew a pot of coffee in the morning than to buy monsters every day. My basic principle is coffee is for before noon, and energy drinks generally are for after that.
Coffee and energy drinks both are a source of caffeine but they are very different drinks, so it depends on what you’re in the mood for that day. I’d say if you’re really looking to start drinking energy drinks, just get a new flavor every time you try one. There are many brands and flavors and everyone has different tastes. To start, I would say try a can of Red Bull, it has a very unique flavor so you may as well see if you like it. Just make sure to try different things, you’ll find dinks you like and drinks you hate, and maybe at the end of the day, you’ll decide energy drinks just aren’t for you.