The start of a new year means the start of many new years’ resolutions. As 2023 commences, people create goals for themselves for the new year, including fitness, traveling, spending time with family and friends, do this, see that.
One resolution that is particularly common for Americans is starting a new diet. Whether that’s trying new foods or cutting back on foods to lose weight, there are many reasons for one to have a food diet goal.
Many people use the new year to start exercising more and eating healthier for many reasons, one being they think they want to look better. Another is because they want to be healthier in the future. The new year is a great time to start achieving your goals.
For Stephan Gustafson ’24,

he wants to eat more protein and less fat to “get more jacked.” This is one example of a student changing up what they eat to be stronger and look better.
Another reason why students might change what they eat in the new year is to try new foods. This can be a resolution to try different cuisines, try to eat more vegetables, try something your parents always wanted you to, and more.
Charlie Wright ‘26

wants to not only cut back on foods but also try to eat different foods. “I’m trying to cut back on snacking throughout the day … I want to try and include more healthy fats in my diet like yogurt and avocados.” Wright also expresses that he wants to try new cuisines too. “I’d love to try more Moroccan cuisine … I went to New York and had some really good Moroccan food.”
Although a great new years’ resolution, food dieting is something that people need to be careful about. Mara Noel ‘24

shares “It is bad for your metabolism … you don’t want to lower your metabolism too much by eating too little [because of your diet] because then if you start eating more it causes weight gain and bad metabolism.”