Picture this: you wake up energized for the day, you get to play your rival team, something you have been looking forward to all year. You feel ready and your team gets pumped as you step onto the feel. There is only one question remaining, what school are you picturing as your rival? Throughout Febuary, students were asked who they thought Blake’s biggest rival was. A variety of responses were recieved. 49.6% of the 121 responses (60 people), believe Breck is our biggest rival. Dom Cornforth ‘24 stated his argument for Breck; “As the former Blake superfan I would go to all of the [Blake] sporting events. It didn’t matter what sport it was, the biggest crowds showed up to games against Breck… I was also told that if I was to only go to one hockey game for the year, it should be the one against Breck…But it wasn’t only for hockey, for multiple other sports, such as basketball, I was specifically requested to go to the Breck games, because… those where the games that I was told get the craziest, and are the most enjoyable. Only when we win, of course.”
Aidan Krush ‘23 agreed, saying “Breck is our biggest rival because their school appears to be incredibly similar to [Blake]. Many people at Blake have friends at Breck. And, Breck is the closest to us geographically. Additionally, Breck students are [identical] to Blake students except they are slightly worse at everything.
Chizo Nwokocha ‘25 disagrees. She is one of the 10 students that voted SPA. She said “As a fencer, SPA is one of the only significant team that we actually fence against.”
In addition, 13 students believe that Providence is the biggest rival. Bennett Vavrichek ‘24 says “For track they are the biggest rival, most annoying student section at other sports.”
An anonymous survey response added that “Breck is worse than us at pretty much everything but they like to think they are our main rival. Providence a way more legitimate rival and the history is makes it more interesting too.”
Bart Glover ‘26 agrees stating that “they are now our biggest rival because in the 2019 football season, the Wolfpack had a game against them that resulted in them becoming our rivals, as well as in last basketball season they knocked us out of the playoffs.”
12 students think Benilde St. Margaret’s is Blake’s biggest rival. One survey responder argues, “I think BSM is our biggest rival because out of this list not a lot of these schools have teams for my sport, ultimate, and BSM does and they are a team that is about the same level as us.”
Several other schools also received votes, including Wayzata with two votes, Minnehaha Academy with three, and St. Thomas Academy with one.
One of the Wayzata voters provided some interesting reasoning claiming, “We faced off several times in high stakes battles, and our rightful win was stolen from under our feet at the state competition for Science Bowl. We did take the civility award though.”
The anonymous senior who voted for St. Thomas Academy claims they are the “only slight competition in the state.”
One of the voters that believes Minnehaha is Blake’s biggest rival argues “they beat us in basically everything but football and their players carry [our] football team.”