Empty Bowls, Hunger Committee combat food insecurity

April 28, 2023

Submitted by Truman Morsman

Alaena Bohrnsen ‘25 works on a piece for the May show and sale.

The Empty Bowls club channels their artistic talents to help those in need. Every Friday during flex time, they meet to whip out beautiful ceramic pieces that will be fired in the kiln and then cooperatively decorated. They don’t just take a spin on the wheel for fun, but create pieces all year to be shown and sold in a gallery exhibit at the end of the school year. All profits made from the pottery sales will go to the non-profit organization Every Meal, which provides meals to children on weekends and breaks when they aren’t receiving school lunches. 

Club leader, Truman Morsman ‘23 says that he participates because he thinks that “food scarcity is a big problem and I think learning about it and trying to do something about it is easy and fulfilling.” Morsman is not only happy to be able to give back but, “really enjoy[s] making pottery.” 

Last year, the club collaborated with the Hunger Committee to plan an awareness raising event. The two clubs taught Lower School students about food scarcity and decorated bowls premade by Empty Bowls. 

The clubs are collaborating again on a similar project this year. Currently, the club has about 45 pieces to sell at the end of year show but Morsman says they are aiming to “sell 60 pieces.”

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