Sketch comedy, a type of TV show that involves a series of short, amusing scenes known as sketches, has long invoked a sense of joy into my life, uncanny to the abilities of any other form of comedy. Genius examples of sketch comedy exist in the iconic form of Saturday Night Live, or Key and Peele. Now, as the new age of television has befallen among us, the 2023 Emmy-nominated show I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson has taken the media by storm. It earned itself a 97% “Average Tomatometer” on the Rotten Tomatoes website which points to how much of a cultural phenomenon the show is. I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson is a Netflix original show that falls under this genre of sketch comedy. It features three seasons containing six 16-minute episodes that do not run off of each other, meaning that each individual sketch is its own little idea, averaging four minutes in length. This show features creative masterminds like Andy Samberg, Will Forte, Vanessa Bayer, and Cecily Strong who created an ingenious show that never fails to miss its jokes. From innovative sketches of a man who is addicted to ziplining on the hit show The Bachelor, to a man not knowing how to drive a car and getting stuck on the highway, this show contains a different type of humor which is an instant attention hook. Not only does it grab your attention, but its short 16-minute episode length created by a combination of rapidly changing skits makes it incredibly easy to binge-watch. Overall, in my opinion, this show earns a nine out of 10 due to its innovative humor and how watchable it is.
Must Watch Show This Fall
‘I Think You Should Leave With Tim Robinson’ delivers
Ethan Klaiman, Sports Editor
October 13, 2023
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Ethan Klaiman, Columnist
Hi, my name is Ethan Klaiman, and I am a Junior. I am the Photo and Social Media Editor. I am also the editor of the news and perspectives pages, and have been a part of the Spectrum team since early in my sophomore year. Outside of Spectrum, I enjoy playing/watching sports, spending time with my friends, and catching up on sleep.
Jason Rotenberg, Editor Emeritus
Hi, my name is Jason and I am a senior. I have been writing for Spectrum since I was a sophomore. I am currently an Editor Emeritus, but when I was editor last semester, I edited the Reviews and Recommendations page. My favorite part about Spectrum is covering the heavily talked about topics around the Blake Community. Outside of Spectrum, I love watching sports, playing sports, and eating hamburgers.