With Halloween right around the corner, the spookiest costumes are flying off the shelves of every store. This costume-hungry rampage has only put more pressure on the average student, who is deciding which costume to wear during the spooky sensations of Halloween. Ian Jaehn ‘27, Connor Briand ‘27, and Jake Iwan ‘27 recently found themselves in this very predicament. They ventured out to the local Spirit Halloween to scrap together the best costumes they could with their limited selection. They created seven total costumes for me to rank, each one intricately put together with the intention of striking the maximum amount of fear on the public.
7. Marshmallow Mask
In last place is the marshmallow mask worn by Iwan. This costume is quite simply outdated and distasteful. Maybe this costume would have made the top three in 2016, but in this day and age it’s lucky to even be featured in the list.

6. Jason Mask

In sixth place is the Jason mask along with a funny looking axe. This costume, again worn by Iwan, has simply too much going on. Its focus is quite frankly all over the place: portraying no real theme.
5. “I Love Bingo” Mask
In fifth place is the “I Love Bingo” mask worn by Briand. This costume is not his best work. However, if your goal in a Halloween mask is to utterly disgust your peers then this mask is for you.

3 (tie). Mr. Potatohead and Butcher
Coming in at a tie for third place, winning the bronze medal, there are two costumes creating a dynamic and fear-inducing duo: Jaehn dressed in a truly mesmerizing butcher costume, complete with a bloody knife, and Briand draped in his version of a murdererous Mr. Potatohead wielding an axe.
On their own, these costumes wouldn’t be much to look at. However, when paired together these two outfits are really something. The costumes even got reactions form other patrons. Andrew Jetton ‘27 has been overheard claiming that these two costumes are, “Halloween at its finest.” If you and a friend are looking for a duo costume for Halloween activities then look no further, wear these two costumes to maximize your spooky potential on Halloween night.

2. Captain Riddler

1. Alien

The race for first place was a close one. Briand’s version of a Captain Riddler is very impressive and mysterious. However, Jaehn’s alien mask is clearly the spookiest of all, this is why it has been granted the title of Greatest Halloween Costume of 2024. Jaehn’s dedication to “selling” this costume really shows as he spookily pokes his head around the shelves of Spirit Halloween just as a real alien would.