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The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

Definition of Sentimentality

What is nostalgia? Why do we have it? Defined by Oxford Languages, nostalgia is “a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.” This may be the dictionary definition, but what does nostalgia actually look like? Nostalgia often occurs when a person relates something back to a bittersweet moment from their past; this can include objects, places, sounds, smells, or even feelings. Studies have shown that nostalgia can have numerous positive impacts on a person’s mental health and overall well-being. It’s often evoked during times of grieving, especially after the loss of a loved one. Nostalgia can be a healthy way to process negative emotions regarding losses by providing a sense of familiarity.

Many people seek out opportunities for nostalgia without even realizing it. Going back to and visiting places or participating in activities one did as a child are prime examples of things someone may subconsciously do. This is because these activities often trigger fond memories associated with happiness and remembrance. For example, the smell and taste of baking and eating certain foods during childhood can allow families to reminisce on their fun moments.

Greg Jones ‘27 recalls a memory he often gets nostalgic about, stating, “when I was little we used to go to the aquarium all the time and there’s this one little spot cut out of the wall and had a little glass viewing of the aquarium. I would always go and sit there for as long as I could.” He describes what brings up these nostalgic feelings and brings him back to those days spent observing the aquarium. “Anytime I see fish,” Jones says.

Another common way people experience nostalgia is through music. Listening to songs played frequently at different times of one’s life can stimulate emotions and feelings associated with them. While nostalgia is an overall happy feeling, it can also contain hints of sadness. Looking back at memories can be upsetting as letting things go can be difficult. Nostalgia allows one to feel, which in doing so allows them to fully move on. Even little things that evoke nostalgia are helpful during times of major life change, which give people that comforting sense of familiarity. Overall, nostalgia is a powerful, complex emotion actively felt throughout a person’s lifetime.