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The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

Dominic Bollettieri ‘25, Drew Dillon ‘25, and Miguel Quintero ‘25 serve themselves Chef Taher’s paella on Nov. 29.

Taher CEO Explores Culture Through Cuisine

Faith Zhao, Staff Writer December 20, 2023

On Nov. 29, the CEO of Taher, Bruce Taher, came to serve Blake paella, an authentic dish from Spain. Taher is the food management service that supplies The Blake School  with all nutritional requests,...

Lunches Leave No Crumbs

Lunches Leave No Crumbs

Winnie Ulland, Staff Writer February 2, 2023

Returning to school after a semester abroad came with many surprises, but the most notable was the dining setup, tech, and style transformation. Contrary to last school year’s lunches, in which students...

Abbott Spiller ‘24 builds
himself a power bowl featuring spiral pasta and
ground pork with red sauce.

Power Bowls Supplement Lunch

Sofia Perlman, Sci-Tech Editor October 28, 2022

This year, Taher Corporate Chef Chris Loew brought the Power Bowl Station to the lunchroom. Located in between the two main lunch lines, the station offers an entirely different meal than what is on the...

30 Minute Lunch Negatively Impacts Eating Habits, Mental Health

30 Minute Lunch Negatively Impacts Eating Habits, Mental Health

Jackie Weyerhaeuser, Food Features Editor December 16, 2020

One of the toughest transitions to fully remote learning has been adjusting to the 30-minute lunch breaks. Students are upset that the daily lunch breaks can’t be longer. Payton Crosby ‘21 says,...

Thomas makes homemade pasta at Threshing Table Farm, a farm in Wisconsin. She partners with them for farm fresh produce and also has farm dinners outside.

Nicolle Thomas: Cooking up Community

Jack Prince, Co-Editor-in-Chief November 9, 2020

Nicolle Thomas, Blake's Lunch Program Administrator can be in her office crunching numbers, in the food line handing out meals, or in the dishroom cleaning. Wherever you locate her, you will find her wearing...

Students Experience New Lunchroom Guidelines In the Wake of Coronavirus

Students Experience New Lunchroom Guidelines In the Wake of Coronavirus

Sage Marmet, Creative Director September 3, 2020

Tobin Spiller '22, Keaton Rannow '22, Wyatt Dayhoff '22 and others wait in line to enter the lunchroom.

Many seats are left open during a second lunch. The lunch- room is usually quiet and spacious during this block.

Appreciating Second Lunch

Lachen Reid, Contributing Writer November 2, 2018

The beginning of a new semester brings new classes and new teachers to students, but possibly the most important new addition to the Blake student’s life is the infamous Google document which contains...

The problem with our lunchroom

The problem with our lunchroom

Chapel Puckett, Co-Editor-in-Chief April 28, 2016

Healthy eating behavior is one of the most important habits that people must form at a young age. The President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition states, “Dietary habits established in childhood...

The school's choir sang in solidarity and respect for the protestors in the nearby Fourth Precinct

Learning lunch creates space for education and reflection

Chapel Puckett, Managing Editor November 24, 2015

“For those of us who live at the shoreline / standing upon the constant edges of decision / crucial and alone,” Marie Michael recited. The learning lunch began with a recitation of Audre Lorde’s...

You can help alleviate the lunch crunch

Isabel Graham ’15, Contributing Writer December 3, 2013

Chicken tenders. Santa Fe rice bowl.  Pasta bar. These might be your favorite dishes served in the lunch room, but they are also three of the several lunches that force us students to stand in seemingly...

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